Logo Design

ACI can create custom logos based on corporate fonts and color schemes, symbolizing the target messaging of your business or product. In addition, ACI can utilize an existing logo to create promotional materials such as business cards, corporate letterhead, flyers, and more.
Our talented, creative designers will meet with you to learn about the important and unique aspects of your business. We want to know your ideas and incorporate them into something that truly symbolizes the values of your firm.
We look forward to getting to know your business needs. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
UI/UX Design

ACI’s UI/UX designers create the user interface for a website, web-based application or mobile app. The user experience (UX) is the platform for how a user will interact with your product or service. This can involve branding, usability, functionality and design elements. The goal of a well designed UX is for the user to have a positive experience when interacting with your website. They need to efficiently find the information they are seeking, be able to quickly complete an interaction, solve a problem or sometimes be entertained!
Once the UX has been defined, the user interface (UI) is created. The UI portion of the project is the pieces of the site the user engages with. This could be buttons, widgets, sliders, etc.
Depending on the complexity of a project, ACI may utilize wireframing, prototyping, user research and information architecture in developing both the UI and UX for a website or application.
Website Design

Automation Creations, Inc. has a staff of architects, graphic designers, and developers who are skilled in design products including Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and Photoshop. We have experience with Microsoft application architecture, design, and development, as well as performance testing and tuning. Equipped with the latest tools and technologies, ACI's designers deliver top quality graphics and website layouts for all our customers. Our vivid designs grab the user's attention while the user-friendly navigation architecture assures information is found quickly and efficiently. Our expertise includes web and mobile app layout and print media design, along with cascading style sheets to ensure consistent formatting on mobile devices and the most popular web browsers. Within your website, we can incorporate rich content such as audio and video elements to deliver your message in a more compelling way.
All designs are optimized for mobile platforms including Android and iOS and for the most popular Internet browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. We can design interactive layouts with engaging content that function and display well for both web and mobile platforms.
ACI has vast experience in evaluating and remediating websites to meet WCAG and Section 508 compliance standards. We use CSS-P, per the W3C Accessibility Recommendations for page layout. The use of CSS benefits accessibility by separating the site structure from the presentation. CSS also allows a visitor to define their own fonts and colors by specifying them in a user style sheet. ACI uses descriptive and informative alt attributes for all images. This assists with the use of screen readers. ACI uses SortSite to test websites and identify and resolve any 508 compliance issues. Detailed explanations of this tool can be provided upon request.
CMS (Joomla & WP)

ACI has extensive knowledge and expertise in designing, developing, and maintaining websites through content management systems (CMS). Our team is proficient with WordPress and Joomla, two open-source PHP and MySQL CMS platforms. We have created custom designs, purchased templates, and modified templates to meet client requirements. With thousands of components and plug-ins available, both free and licensed options, ACI can efficiently identify and recommend interactive modules that provide value-added features with minimal development time. When a component could not be identified, ACI has created custom plug-ins to meet project requirements. The custom code is then seamlessly integrated with the website, so all the functionality works as a unit.
ACI closely monitors all CMS updates including versions, components, and PHP. This is key to keeping the platform up to date and secure, as many upgrades address security issues. To minimize downtime, ACI upgrades all CMS sites first on a development version to verify all site functionality continues to perform properly. If issues are identified, they are resolved before upgrades are applied to the production version of the site.
Additional information can be found at:
- Joomla
- About - https://www.joomla.org/
- Resources - https://community.joomla.org/service-providers-directory/
- Core Features - https://www.joomla.org/core-features.html
- Extensions - https://extensions.joomla.org/
- WordPress
- About - https://wordpress.org/
- Plugin Resources - https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_Resources
- Themes - https://wordpress.org/themes/
- Documentation - https://wordpress.org/documentation/